How do we help citizens improve the sorting of their trash, so that we may recycle even more?
The challenge
There’s a large environmental and economic potential in waste sorting and recycling. But the danes are currently struggling to sort deposit bottles and waste in their homes, on the move, and on the recycling lot. For instance, 140 million cans and bottles still end up in the trash bin or in nature and are therefore recycled inefficiently, or not at all. ARGO has removed the flammable fractions on recycling lots and thereby expect to sort over 11.000 tons more for recycling. ARGO and Dansk Retursystem are seeking solutions as to how they can increase the learning and awareness surrounding sorting and recycling correctly among citizens and companies, in order to optimize the environmental gain associated with this.
Argo and Dansk Retursystem
UN Global goal
12 Responsible consumption and production
COCONF19 Kick off 10. September at 09:00-17:00 in Roskilde Kongrescenter, Møllehusvej 15, 4000 Roskilde.